
Agenda details are subject to change. Please check back regularly for updates and speaker additions.

All listed times are Pacific Time Zone (PT).

wednesday, july 12, 2023

9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

AM&AA Advisory Council Breakfast

The AM&AA Advisory Council will discuss the organization's initiatives & strategies.

Breakfast served at 8:30 a.m.
Invitation only to AM&AA Advisory Council Members

11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Registration Open

Conference registration begins at 11:00 a.m. 
The AM&AA Registration & Hospitality Desk will be located at the main hotel entrance to welcome and check you into the conference as you arrive on Wednesday. 

12:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Welcome Mixer & Luncheon

Get ready to hit your deals out of the park! Mix and mingle with industry's best while enjoying lunch outside on the historic lawn of Lane Field, the previous home to the San Diego Padres.


2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

AM&AA Deal Connect

The exclusive and highly anticipated Deal Connect allows private equity professionals to request meetings with middle market intermediaries and investment bankers holding various transaction opportunities at hosted tables. Stop by to make the most of your conference experience with this valuable opportunity! 


2:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Exhibit Hall Open

Connect with exhibitors and learn how their services can take your deal to the next level!
Exhibits open at 2:00 p.m. after the Welcome Luncheon. 

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

General Session #1 - State of the Market for Private Equity and M&A

Hear from industry experts in middle market M&A and private equity as they discuss current market characteristics, including data on completed transactions. The discussion will include a current market assessment on valuation, deal structuring and leverage, and challenges facing deal professionals. It will conclude with a view toward where M&A is headed over the next six months.


Graeme Frazier Jonathan Sanchez Eric Sloane Robert Woolway
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

General Session #2 - Maximizing Profitability and Purchase Price

Our panel of experts will discuss strategies for maximizing profitability in businesses, as well as various tactics that companies and advisors can employ to help businesses increase their (adjusted) EBITDA. The range of topics explored will include cost optimization, operational efficiencies, determining adjusted EBITDA, and EBITDA thresholds for determining purchase price multiples. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and best practices in EBITDA optimization.


Lamar Stanley Dennis Dunn Scott Zickefoose Jeff Dittmer
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Opening Reception

Make the most of this opportunity to connect with industry power players and potential new partners in a relaxed, social setting.


THURSday, july 13, 2023

7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Conference Breakfast & Networking

Get fueled for the day with a delicious breakfast. Maximize your meeting time and invite a colleague to join you! 

7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Registration & Exhibit Hall Open

The AM&AA Registration & Hospitality Desk will be located in the Ballroom Foyer on Thursday and will remain open throughout the day to assist with any questions you may have. Be sure to connect with exhibitors to learn how their services can help your business. 

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Breakout: M&A Market Survey Report

Hear the results of the National Q3 2023 M&A Market Survey with detailed data reported on over 2,000 deals. Analysis includes sale multiples, composition of consideration, and target company financial performance on deals closed in Q1 and Q2 of 2023 as well as deals under LOI in the current M&A pipeline. Detail on factors required to get deals under LOI and closed in today's current M&A climate will also be presented, along with how those factors have been changing over time. In addition, data from survey results will be presented on the outlook for M&A for the rest of 2023, as well as the headwinds and tailwinds driving the forecast for the M&A market.

Bill McCalpin

Breakout: Bridging the Valuation Gap: Leveraging Earnouts and Seller Notes

Join us for an engaging panel discussion as industry experts delve into the art of bridging the valuation gap through the strategic use of earnouts and seller notes. In today's shifting market dynamics, where we have transitioned from a long run in a seller market to a buyers' market, deal teams are employing innovative approaches to overcome valuation challenges.

Our panelists come from M&A perspectives – private equity, investment banking, transaction advisory from both a legal and financial view to share their insights and experiences on effectively utilizing earnouts and seller notes to bridge the valuation gap. Explore how these creative financing tools are being leveraged to align buyer and seller expectations, mitigate risks, and foster successful deal outcomes.


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

General Session #3 - Managing a Dynamic Capital Stack

Gain insight from industry leaders on how they are navigating the current environment to get deals successfully under contract and to the closing table. In an ever-changing market, it's critical to stay apprised of the techniques and insights you need to get the deal done. This panel will help show the way.

Joshua Putterman Robert Rough Teddy Saltzstein Ben Berkowitz
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

AM&AA Deal Connect

Looking for a deal? Stop by Deal Connect to meet with middle market intermediaries and investment bankers bearing transaction opportunities stationed at designated tables. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity for private equity professionals!


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

General Session #4 - Private Equity M&A Valuations – Bound to Normalize

Continued inflationary and market pressures have changed the landscape of dealmaking across the middle market in 2023. During this panel, we will discuss how valuations and purchase price multiples are being impacted by added risks, private equity competition, and supply of quality deal flow. Our expert panelists will share perspectives on how other key elements to a transaction play a role in structuring and closing deals today, including: seller expectations, intermediary processes, credit environment & leverage resources, and due diligence across sought after sectors.

Patrick Gonzalez Vineet Varma Mike Dickman Laura O'Leary Brian Wendler
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Conference Lunch & Awards Presentation

Continue connecting with your peers over lunch with a stellar view of San Diego and help us recognize some esteemed industry leaders for their achievements.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

General Session #5 - AI-Powered M&A Acceleration Table Talks

During this table talk, participants will share how they are using AI technology to accelerate the M&A process. The possibilities are broad—ranging from utilizing AI for HR, accounting, legal, cybersecurity, and corporate governance. Come hear from fellow M&A professionals and bring your experience to share as well. Table talks will be facilitated by M&A experts who have knowledge of these different areas.

John Cohan Travis Grundke Chad Sandstedt
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

AM&AA Deal Connect

Calling all private equity professionals! This is the last opportunity of the conference to schedule 1:1 meetings or drop by stationed middle-market intermediaries and investment bankers with open transaction opportunities. 


2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Breakout: Second-Bite-at-the-Apple 

An investment bank and a private equity firm team up to model what a realistic estimate of a "second-bite-at-the-apple" sale of rolled-equity would yield for a seller/owner.  Leveraging a financial projection for the seller's company, several add-on acquisitions, synergistic revenue, economies-of-scale savings, financing and transaction costs, etc. are modeled into an estimate of upside potential.  Then the financial mechanics of debt servicing, carried interest, incentive equity, dilution, and exit factors, like transaction multiples, waterfall liquidation of debt, etc. result in a realistic estimate of the net sale proceeds a seller/owner might receive from the sale of their rolled-equity as part of the private equity exit.

Bill McCalpin Douglas Zucker

Executive Education Class: Psychology of Leadership

AM&AA Members Only

Business transitions are complex. Founders and successor generations create psychological castles that allow them to succeed and achieve what few can. Achieving the most favorable outcome means navigating the business, financial, and personal factors that influence an owner’s readiness. The challenge of speaking the language rests in understanding the psychology of Lower Middle Market owners.  This educational class will help you understand the psychology of LMM owners, their family system, and management teams. Join this members-only opportunity to gain insights that will allow you to work with an owner’s psychology rather than inadvertently creating resistance.

Dr. Allie Taylor
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

General Session #6 - Reflection and Retrospection

Those who do not know history ... cannot learn from it. Join us as members share 25 years of M&A insights, transactions, and success stories. They will also provide their insights on how to prepare for the years ahead and how to build an illustrious career in this industry.

David Asmus Kevin Carlie Eric Heath John Cohan
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

General Session #7 - The Art & Science of Due Diligence: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Panelists will share insights, war stories and strategies surrounding diligence processes. This discussion will address many post-COVID themes, including custom transaction structures, non-traditional deals, and the platform vs. add-on dynamic.


Charles Cox Will Jaco Hanny Akl Samuel Raboy
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

25th AM&AA Anniversary Celebration Gala

Enjoy a night of celebration as we toast to 25 years of deal making with AM&AA. This lux event is one you don't want to miss!


tuesday, july 11, 2023

1:30 PM - 5:30 PM

AM&AA Chapter Executive Committee Members Workshop

This interactive workshop is designed for Executive Committee Members to identify and implement chapter growth strategies through multiple outlets, such as events, sponsorships and resources.
Please note: This workshop is held prior to the start of the conference. 

Refreshments served
Invitation only to AM&AA Chapter Executive Committee Members


AM&AA Chapter Executive Committee Members Workshop
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

AM&AA Advisory Council & Chapter Executive Committee Social

Following the Workshop, the Chapter Executive Committee Members will connect with the Advisory Council to share action plans curated from the afternoon's discussion. 

Refreshments served
Invitation only to AM&AA Advisory Council & Chapter Executive Committee Members


AM&AA Advisory Council & Chapter Executive Committee Social